US and EU ‘make progress’ on trade
Officials say they have made progress towards creating the world’s biggest free trade zone.

Live blog: HK protesters call off talks after violence
After clashes with anti-Occupy demonstratos in the streets of Hong Kong on Friday, the Hong Kong Federation of Students has cancelled its scheduled talk with chief secretary Carrie Lam.

HHS’ Burwell: We have tools to stop Ebola spread
Fifty people who had contact with an ebola-infectecd man are being closely monitored in Dallas, officials said.

Drink wine twice a night? You should be cured: UK
The U.K.’s National Institute of Health and Care Excellence recommends doctors prescribe nalmefene to mild nightly drinkers.

How self-made are today’s billionaires?
Forbes has come out with a “self-made score” for billionaires to determine how self-made today’s billionaires really are.

Pound slips on services survey
The pound falls after a survey suggesting growth in the services industry slowed in September.

Easyjet leads rebound in FTSE
The FTSE 100 regains some of the ground lost on Thursday, with Easyjet shares up strongly after it raised its profit forecast.

Here’s just how badly Russia is bleeding capital
New data show just how dramatically investors began abandoning Russia after it began working to destabilize Ukraine.

Decc ‘failed to get consumer value’
The government’s decision to award billions of pounds of renewable energy contracts without a proper tendering process has left consumers out of pocket, MPs say.