
Police arrest 18 in Petrobras raids

Brazilian police have carried out a series of raids and arrested 18 people as part of a corruption investigation into the state-run oil firm Petrobras.


Wonga logo removed from football kit

Payday loans firm Wonga agrees with Newcastle United football club to remove its logo from children’s kits.


VIDEO: Australia’s Indian dance lessons

Living in Sydney, Australia, Indian businesswoman Madhvi Mohindra runs traditional dance classes for local students.


VIDEO: India’s ‘land of coconuts’ in decline

Increasing numbers of India’s coconut farmers have been turning away from the industry and the government is trying to entice them back.


Will mortgage and savings rates drop?

What’s the outlook for mortgage and savings rates?


VIDEO: US pushing for investment in Africa

The BBC’s Matthew Davies takes a look at US trade investment in Africa and how it has changed to adapt to modern times.


‘Young gamblers not seeking help’

NHS figures uncovered by Newsbeat suggest that the average debt for some gamblers under the age of 30 is more than £10,000.


Russia sanctions ‘undermine trade’

Russian President Vladimir Putin says Western sanctions will hurt the global economy and trade agreements, ahead of the G20 summit.


Scottish Power faces sales curb

Energy supplier Scottish Power has a three-month deadline to improve customer service or it will be banned from sales to new customers.


VIDEO: African animator takes on Hollywood

Young entrepreneur Michael Muthiga takes on the Hollywood film industry with his Nairobi-based Fatboy Animations production company.